
You are the creator of your life. You are the artist. Your life is your canvas. Your life is not happening to you, it's happening FROM you.

We don't create what we want. We create what we mentally give our attention to. Even unwanted things. Your mental focus and where you put that attention is your most precious commodity:  more precious than your money, energy level, emotions and even your actions.


What if you gave your dreams and desires more attention than your worries and problems?

Get my free guide: GET CLARITY a guide to help you refocus you attention and align with your desire.

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It's time to stop chasing your desires, and know it's already yours.

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Hey, I'm Bianca  —

I help people on the cusp of the next chapter align with their desires using manifestation

I've been a student of Law of Attraction for 8 years but it wasn't until I found Law of Assumption in 2023 that I started to step into my full power as a conscious and deliberate creator. Read more about my story here.

For a good year after discovering Neville and Law of Assumption, I was obsessively trying to figure out the secret of how manifesting works, but overwhelmed, riddled with anxiety of having to flip all of my negative thoughts, constantly checking the 3D for evidence, and really doubting that the Law of Assumption was anything but wishful thinking.

I started reading Neville only,  started to observe myself a bit more. I became obsessed with learning how to changing states (this is the point of ANY manifestation technique BTW).

I decided to take myself and my dreams seriously enough to TEST if Law of Assumption really works instead of just learning about it.

This is what Neville Goddard  constantly tells us, and this is what I want for you. TEST IT.

I found the techniques that were effective for me. I practiced consistently. I simplified my practice and made it easy and enjoyable.

Once I mastered changing states, manifesting became effortless. I want that for you too.

In my 1:1 coaching and courses, I help you identify where you are standing in your own way, while sharing all my tips, advice, shortcuts and A HA moments, so that you can master manifestation, collapse time and get what you want NOW.

PS. I know  you don't want to hear it but, it's already yours anyway :)


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